.375 As A Fraction

What is .375 As A Fraction: How To Find GCF? Factorization & Division Methods

In mathematics, fraction values and decimal values can be expressed in multiple distinct ways. However, nothing to worry how they are expressed, equivalent decimals and fractions always denote the similar value. It is essential to learn how to correctly and rapidly express decimals such as .375 as a fraction has been a useful and practical mathematical skill that every student must have. In this article, you will get information about .375 as a fraction.

Right Answer

.375 as a fraction equals to 3/8, however, you need to understand why.

Why is .375 Equivalent to 3/8?

First of all, it is important to determine the last digit’s place value which is present to the right of the decimal point. For example, 5 is the last digit that is in the 1000th place value slot (1/1000). With the help of a place value chart, an individual can easily figure out the place value of the final digit.

Place Value Chart

Thousands 1,000
Hundreds 100
Tens 10
Ones 1 0
Decimal .
Tenths 1/10 3
Hundreds 1/100 7
Thousands 1/1000 5

What is the Simplest Form of .375 as a Fraction?

A fraction is a selection or portion of any quantity out of entire, where the whole can be a thing, a specific value and any number. However, you can define a decimal number as a number through which the whole fractional part and number part are distinguished by a decimal part. In this article, we will learn how to express .375 as a fraction in the simplest form.

How to Simplify .375 as a Fraction?

You need to follow some steps if you want to express .375 as a fraction in the simplest form.

  • Step 1

First of all, you need to write a given number on the numerator and put 1 in the denominator right below the decimal point. Moreover, this decimal point is followed by the number of zeros needed accordingly. In this way, there are 3 numbers of .375 after the decimal. You must remove the decimal point by placing 1000 in the denominator. Most importantly, this will make it 375/1000.

  • Step 2

Now, we will learn how to express 375 over 1000 in the simplest form. Moreover, you can observe that 375/1000 is not in the simplified form. Therefore, the Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 375, 1000 = 125. However, you can simplify this fraction as follows. 375/1000=3/8. We have successfully reduced the fraction of 375/1000 to 3/8. In other meanings, 3/8 is the lowest term of .375 as a fraction.

Note: .375 as a fraction in simplified form can be expressed as 3/8.

How Can We Reduce A Fraction?

Reducing a fraction represents the denominator and numerator numbers of a fraction are smaller, if both numbers are divided by the similar common factor. Therefore, the fraction value will be different, while the decimal value of the fraction will be the same. You need to find a common factor to determine whether it is possible to reduce a fraction to smaller numbers. Similarly, it is essential to reduce once, if you can find the highest common factor for both the numbers. You need to do multiple reductions, if you find anything but the highest common factor.

Furthermore, if you choose the highest common factor approach or other approach then here is how to reduce our fraction. You need to follow some steps if you want to reduce a fraction.

1. Finding All Factors of Both Numbers

What are the Factors of 375 and 1,000?

375 = 1, 3, 5, 15, 25, 75, 125, 375

1000 = 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 100, 125, 200, 250, 500, 1000

You can observe both sets from these two numbers. However, the highest common factor between both the sets is 125.

2. Using the Highest Common Factor

It is possible to reduce the real fraction by using the highest common factor. It requires division of both numbers by the highest common factor.

375 ÷125/ 1000 ÷125 = 3/8

We can reduce the original fractional form to its simplest form in one go by dividing each number in the fraction by 125.

3. Using the Smallest Common Factor

As the numbers get larger, sometimes it becomes difficult to figure out the highest common factor. In this way, we need to find out the least common factor. Therefore, by dividing both numbers in the fraction by the smallest common factor, we are able to get our answer. Both the approaches are acceptable. Either these are related to the smallest common factor or the highest common factor.

If both numbers have a similar common factor of 5, then divide these numbers by it.

375 ÷ 5/ 1000 ÷ 5 = 75/200

Both the sets have still a similar common factor of 5. Again, you need to divide these two numbers by 5.

75 ÷ 5/ 200 ÷ 5 = 15/40

These two numbers still have a common factor, 5. Therefore, you will divide these numbers by 5 again as follows.

15 ÷ 5/ 40 ÷ 5 = 3/8

The reduction process has finished because there are no more common factors between 3 and 8.

What is the Greatest Common Factor (GCF)?

As the fraction moves ahead, 412/100 is clearly unwieldy. Moreover, we can perceive it substantially smaller. How to find the smallest or simplest form of fraction? Finding the simplest/smallest form of fraction is what we refer to as reducing the fraction or putting a fraction in its simplest form. However, you need to find the greatest common divisor or greatest common factor (GCF) or (GCD).

The GCF is the greatest number which divides into the denominator and numerator of the fraction. The greatest common factor of 412/100 is 4, if you have the fraction 412/1000 and want to put it in its simplest form. It would give us 103/250 by reducing this down to its simplest form. We will also take the decimal 0.875 as an example in this regard. If you want to convert it into a fraction, you need to follow some steps.

  • · Count the columns.
  • · Move the decimal place over 3 spaces.
  • · Put one thousand underneath it.

Most importantly, it provides us 875/1000. Moreover, 125 is the greatest common factor of 875/1000. Consequently, you will get 7/8, if you divide 125 into the numerator and denominator.

How to Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF)?

You will need to do some calculations if you want to find the GCF of any fraction. There are different methods through which you can find the greatest common factor.

1) Prime Factorization Method

In this way, the Prime Factorization method is the most common in all of them. It requires multiplying out the prime factors present in both numbers. For example, you have a fraction like 18/24. Therefore, 2 and 3 are the prime factors of 18 (2 × 3 × 3 = 18).

Similarly, 2 and 3 are the prime factors of 24 (2 × 2 × 2 × 3 = 24). You will get 6, if you multiply both these numbers and divide into 18/24 to get ¾. It is easy to enlist the common factors between two numbers.

2) Division Method

It has been an alternate method to find the greatest common factor (GCF). By this method, it is possible to divide the denominator and numerator of the fraction into smaller and smaller chunk unless they cannot be divided anymore. The numbers still have common factors which can be divided easily. However, you need to divide them unless these are not being divided anymore.


.375 as a fraction is an example in mathematics. In addition to this, there are different methods through which you can do factorization without facing any difficulty. However, the prime factorization and division methods are the most common examples of it. People want understanding to find out the greatest common factor in this regard. Keep one thing in mind, there are two common factors such as GCF and LCF through which you can ensure factorization. You can also figure out .375 as a fraction by using these methods. For more relevant topics keep in touch with https://thelifonews.com/.

An individual needs to follow some steps to convert fractional form into decimal form. However, we have discussed this conversion above with detail. If you get two numbers in the fraction, remove the fractional point by replacing it with a number of zeros. Now, find out the least and greatest common factor of the fraction to get a right answer.

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